
What does *32 mean in task manager
What does *32 mean in task manager

what does *32 mean in task manager what does *32 mean in task manager

Windows Vista and earlier operating systems are unaffected. Things worked in a similar way during the development phase of Windows 8, up until the Release Preview. Open a command prompt, type or paste taskmgr.exe, and press Enter. Type or paste taskmgr.exe in the Start menu search bar, and press Enter press Win+ R, type or paste taskmgr.exe in the textbox, and press Enter navigate to the System32 folder and double-click the taskmgr.exe executable start the System Configuration utility ( msconfig.exe), click the Tools tab, select the Task Manager item from the list, and click Launch. Start a non-elevated Task Manager, and click the Show processes from all users button. Press Ctrl+ Alt+ Del, and click Start Task Manager. Right-click the taskbar, and click Start Task Manager. Apparently it's not a documented behavior.

What does *32 mean in task manager